What is your channel today?

Choosing the right channel for your business and brand communication

As a business, communicating with your customers and audience is as crucial as having a sustainable business model — you cannot fathom how to survive without either. With so many communications channels available today at the click of a button, it’s easy to see how some businesses might get overwhelmed in choosing what is right for them. At Value First we help businesses in choosing the right communication channel to get their message better, faster, and to a vast range of people. This means collaborating together to understand what suits your audience best. By using a combination of insights and over 15 years of experience and creating over 80 billion brand communication interactions we empower businesses globally to interact with their customers and audiences through internet and telecom channels. Let’s take a look at the communication channels available at the expertise and understand what suits best for you

Channel 1. WhatsApp for Hyper-local business communication We believe in reaching the last audience with the same effort as your primary audience, through a single step integration of WhatsApp right into the core of your business. Our API enables intelligent re-routing, SLA management, and flexible MIS. The benefits include

  1. No need to manage hosting or software updates
  2. Simple Integration to send WhatsApp messages with high and optimized delivery rates with fail-over capabilities to SMS and real-time insights
  3. Rich media in the form of images, audio, video, and files to engage with customers

Clients we have served through this are Indigo, Domino's, P&G, etc.

Channel 2. Indigenous Voice Platform ValueCallz is proprietary software and acts as an integrated platform for two-way consumer interaction at scale. Starting from OBD, IVR, Missed Call, etc. are some of the features the platform can easily ace. Benefits are:

  • High throughput of 15000 channels,
  • Vernacular support,
  • Text2Speech, Speech2Text, Real-time MIS

Clients we have served through this are Naukri.com, Capital First, etc.

Channel 3. SMS platform to the last mile Through our Enterprise Value First two-way SMS messaging platform, we cater to your transactional and marketing needs easily. VeriSure ensures to deliver one time passwords to your customers in a blink of the eye via SMS, email or a voice messageBenefits include:

  1. 99.99% API Success Rate
  2. Automated QoS based routing
  3. Regulatory Compliance
  4. Highly scalable
  5. Real-time MIS Automated Monitoring/Alerting

Clients we have served through this are P&G, SBI, etc.

Channel 4. Delivering ROI through email platform Using Octane — India's leading email platform we serve the needs for transactional emails and marketing campaigns. Benefits include:

  1. Easy to use, and on-demand cloud platform for planning and executing your campaigns
  2. A scalable platform that can handle one Billion emails monthly
  3. Dynamic content rendering, etc.
  4. Consistent support from deliverability experts.

Channel 5. Touch the future with AI Chabot We provide superior customer engagement through AI-technology with Surbo. Surbo offers a Conversational AI interface that is omnipresent and requires no coding knowledge. Benefits include:

  1. Sending appropriate responses to users in an interface that makes it easy for a conversation with customers via website, SMS, e-mails, mobile, social.
  2. Surbo develops and enables chatbots for customer interactions over an AI-driven conversational interface. It can automate several processes that are currently human-centric leading to significant efficiency.

Though the answer to the right communication channel doesn’t lie in any single one, Businesses need to choose a combination of channels that will ensure their messages are being received by the widest possible audience.

ValueFirst enables intelligent conversations across channels and lets you get more from your digital spends! Write to marketing@vfirst.com for more information.