What is Verified SMS from Google?

Verified SMS from Google is an effective way of communication that helps eCommerce and businesses to communicate with their consumers in a reliable and secure way. In this article, we will discuss what is Google verified SMS and how SMS verification works.

What is Google verified SMS?

SMS is Short Message Service and is considered to be the most commonly used and preferred type of text messaging. SMS has a higher conversion and open rate that made it a preferred and widely used mode of communication. Various eCommerce companies use different SMS campaigns and tactics to launch there are products or to build a cordial relationship between their consumers.

In order to make the SMS text messages reliable and secure, the Google verified SMS is used by the companies to communicate with potential clients, targeted audience customers, or loyal old customers. It is practised to ensure the identity of the sender and receiver as there are lots of illegitimate SMSs, Spam SMS, or spoof SMS chains being rotated in the market.

Google verified SMS identifies the identity of the sender, which ensures that the sender is verified and legit. The Google verified SMS ensures a smooth communication cycle between the company and consumer, improves brand identity and promotes better engagement with the existing and potential users.

How SMS verification works?

You might be thinking about how SMS verification works? So, refer to the below steps to get insights into how SMS verification works:

  • When an enterprise or a company sends, an authentication key is generated.
  • Then the generated authentication key in 1-way hash format is then passed to Google for further verification.
  • Once the Google verification is done, then the SMS is sent to the dedicated distribution list or the targeted audience of different mobile carriers.
  • Once the consumer’s mobile carrier receives the SM, it computes its own version of the authentication key and sends this to Google to verify the message’s authenticity and sender.
  • Upon sending the verification message the consumer mobile carrier waits for the authentication, verification, and confirmation.
  • Once the Google verification is done, the consumer receives the SMS with the brand identification and verification details.

Verified SMS from Google provides end-to-end encryption that offers more security than SMS. Apart from high-end encryption, it also helps eCommerce to polish and strengthen their relationship with their conversations by building trust and preventing scams. - ValueFirst's

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