Engaging Customers via Email during COVID-19

The COVID-19 situation is affecting every business all over the world. While we have seen its impact in some of the major sectors such as travel and hospitality. We will soon witness it in other sectors too. Besides the airlines & hotels sending emails regarding COVID - 19, we are also seeing local businesses sending emails on COVID-19 as people are still wondering how the normal workout at the gym or visit to a salon would be during and post this COVID-19 times. Many businesses over the past week have shared a lot of information about COVID-19 over the email. So here we are with a few tips to help you send that email you want to send in context with COVID -19The ‘WHY’ Before you decide to send out a COVID-19 email let's begin by asking the fundamental question - Why do you need to send a Covid-19 email? Is it just a FOMO reaction from your side because you feel it’s a must as every other brand is doing so or you feel it is a ‘hot’ and most searched topic in recent time and want to take advantage of this situation. Remember one of the basic rules of sending email to your customers is the value that it carries; so send an email only if there is a valid reason to do so such as

  • You have to update them about an event or cancellation
  • Inform how they will access your service remotely
  • Inform how your business is preparing to safely handle customers during COVID situation
  • What do you expect them to do during such times etc?

Please note:- this is not an all-inclusive list there could more valid & compelling reasons to send a COVID email The ‘WHO’ & The ‘HOW’ Be very clear about ‘who’ the sender of the email is and have a very crystal communication in the subject line itself. In times like these be clear with your brand name as the sender of the email. Do not confuse your recipient with personalized names. We recommend using direct to the point subject line as well such as - ‘Our COVID -19 readiness’ The other part of ‘the how’ is the brand voice and tone modify or your brand voice to match the seriousness of this scenario Yours might be a fun, hip, and cool brand voice but while sending an email on COVID-19 let's align that tone to be as informative as possible. However, don't over-correct, address the recipient's anxiety, don't aggravate it. Keep a very calm, firm, and objective tone to the email. Your reader will understand this and consider your brand to be more human. Focus on the deliverable Your email should talk about action points. You might have hired extra staff for cleaning or have taken steps to maintain social distancing at your workplace, say this out clearly in bullet points in your email.Don't use the COVID-19 to add to already existing thousands of opinions and views just focus on the facts. Be agile The COVID-19 the situation is changing each day, what’s working today might not be so useful tomorrow. Therefore, be on the top of the game. Remember email is a powerful tool to convey important information to your customer directly so be agile in updating them as soon as the situation changes. Thus keeping all your business stakeholders - the employees, the customers & the business partners aware & safe. Achieve your marketing objectives with scalable and personalized email solutions, dominating the industry for over 12 years now with ValueFirst‘s Email solution.

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